
Processing and Protection of Personal Data

Personal data controller (within the meaning of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ( general data protection regulation - hereinafter referred to as GDPR) in relation to Users' personal data is ATA Spółka z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Zwycięzców 6a/4, 03-941 Warsaw, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the capital city of st. Warsaw, share capital PLN 210,000, NIP 521-012-09-48, REGON 012597879, registered in the National Court Register under KRS number 0000027211.
1. Providing personal data and consent to their processing are completely voluntary. All provided We process personal data only to the extent and for the purpose to which the CUSTOMER has consented. If the CUSTOMER does not provide the data necessary to complete the order and does not consent to their processing, it may be impossible to complete the order.
2. The Administrator ensures the security of the transferred data and the implementation of Users' rights arising from the GDPR regulation. The user has the right to access the content of his or her personal data and rectify it or request its complete deletion (unless it is contrary to the law) or limit the right to process his or her personal data - for this purpose, you can use the function in the store program to update user account data or please send a request (e.g. to the provided e-mail address) specifying the request to make changes or delete data from the records. The ADMINISTRATOR may refuse to delete the User's data only in cases indicated by applicable regulations, in particular if the User has not settled all amounts due to the ADMINISTRATOR.
3. Users' personal data are processed for the purpose of establishing, shaping, concluding, amending or terminating the Agreement between the Service Provider and the Customer and implementing the Sales Agreement or the Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services described in the REGULATIONS.
4. The User may receive marketing and commercial information (in the form of a "newsletter") if he/she consents to it. The user may unsubscribe from receiving commercial information at any time.
5. We ensure that our company complies with the personal data security policy. Personal data is safe with us and we make every effort to systematically increase this level.
6. Users' personal data may be transferred to third parties only with the User's consent in the cases described in the REGULATIONS.
7. In order to perform the contract and deliver the ordered products and send correspondence to the customer, data may be transferred to: Poczta Polska or a selected courier company.
8. To complete the contract and deliver the products, it is necessary to provide the following personal data of the CUSTOMER: surname and name; address for shipping products; e-mail adress; contact telephone number; in the case of a company, additionally NIP.
9. Personal data is processed only for the period necessary to perform the contract:
- sales documents - for the period required by accounting regulations,
- address data - until the warranty or guarantee period expires - depending on which is longer;
- e-mail address used to send the information bulletin - for the period of validity of the user's consent; consent may be withdrawn at any time.
- after this period, they are deleted
10. The Customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - the Personal Data Protection Office (UODO) if he has any objections to the processing of his personal data by the ADMINISTRATOR.

Policy regarding the use of cookies

This Policy sets out the rules for creating, storing and accessing information on User's devices using Cookies in order to provide electronically the services requested by the User.


1. In order to provide services electronically, the Administrator creates and stores temporary files and gains access to selected information on the User's devices.
2. Cookies - means binary data, most often small text files, saved and stored on the User's devices, which are used in programming languages ​​for more efficient communication between the website and the user.
3. Cookies created on user's devices may come both from the Administrator's system (so-called own cookies) and from external programs that supervise communication on the Internet (so-called external cookies, e.g. from Google and other websites).
4. The User has the option of limiting or disabling access to cookies to his Device. If you use this option, you will be able to use the Website, except for functions that by their nature require cookies.

II. Purposes of using cookies

1. Cookies and similar technologies are used on websites to ensure correct data transmission between connected computers. They have a very wide range of applications, they help adjust the content of the settings page on the recipient's computer, remember the preferred appearance of the page, e.g. the set font size, and ensure that the user performs several step-by-step actions (e.g. adding an article, making a purchase in an online store). Cookies may also be used to tailor displayed advertisements to the interests of website visitors. It can be said that cookie technology is necessary for the proper display of interactive pages.
2. In addition to cookies sent from the website we connect to, cookies may also be sent from the servers of the websites they refer to, e.g. Google, YouTube or social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and others.
3. Generally speaking, we can divide cookies into two types of files:
a) session cookies: they are stored on the User's Device and remain there until the session of a given browser ends. The saved information is then permanently deleted from the Device's memory. The session cookie mechanism does not allow downloading any personal data or any confidential information from the User's Device;
b) persistent cookies: they are stored on the User's Device and remain there until they are deleted. Ending a given browser session or turning off the Device does not delete them from the User's Device. The persistent cookies mechanism does not allow downloading any personal data or any confidential information from the User's Device.
4. Normally, cookies used are safe for the user. If they are used correctly, it is impossible for viruses or other unwanted software or malware to penetrate Users' Devices. These files allow you to identify the software used by the User. Cookies usually contain the name of the domain they come from, their storage time on the Device (limited) and the assigned value (key).
5. Cookies do not collect any personal data, including names and e-mail addresses.
6. Each user can change the cookie settings in the browser they use, including completely disabling the ability to save them. If the user does not disable the option of saving cookies from various websites, this means in practice that he consents to their saving and storage on the computer.
7. The user may delete cookies at any time using the available functions in the web browser he or she uses.
8. Methods describing how to disable or change settings for the most popular web browsers:
a) Google Chrome - the default settings of the Google Chrome browser allow the storage of cookies. To change the settings:
- click on the "Google Chrome Settings" menu and select the "Settings" option;
- click "Show advanced settings" at the bottom of the page;
- select the "Content settings" option in the "Privacy" options;
- select the desired settings;
- to enter special settings for a given website, click "Manage exceptions" and choose your own settings for websites;
- to confirm the changes, click the "Done" button.
b) Microsoft Internet Explorer - The default settings of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser allow the storage of cookies, but block files that may come from websites that do not apply a privacy policy. To change the settings:
- click on the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options";
- select the "Privacy" tab;
- use the slider to specify the desired level of settings (the highest one blocks cookies completely, the lowest one allows storing all cookies).
c) Mozilla Firefox - the default settings of the Mozilla Firefox browser allow the storage of cookies. To change the settings:
- click on the "Tools" menu (in other versions: click the "Firefox" button) and select "Options";
- then select the "Privacy" tab and select the desired settings;
- to enter special settings for a given website, click on "Exceptions" and choose your own settings for websites;
- confirm the changes using the "OK" button.
d) Opera - the default settings of the Opera browser allow the storage of cookies. To change the settings:
- click on "Preferences", select the "Advanced" option and then "Cookies";
- select the desired settings;
- to enter special settings for a given website, go to the selected website, right-click on it, select "Website Preferences" and go to the "Cookies" tab and then enter the desired settings;
- confirm the changes using the "OK" button.
e) Safari - the default settings of the Safari browser allow the storage of cookies. To change the settings:
- in the "Safari" menu, select the "Preferences" option;
- click the "Privacy" icon;
- select the desired settings;
- to enter special settings for a given website, click "Details" and select your own settings for websites.
9. If you decide to reject all cookies, you will not be able to use some content and services available on our websites, in particular those requiring logging in and then completing, for example, a purchase transaction in an online store. However, disabling cookies does not prevent you from browsing most websites.
10. The user may delete cookies at any time using the available functions in the web browser he or she uses.
11. It should be noted that Cookies technology is used by hackers to infect computers and introduce malware. Cookies technology, which is supposed to ensure proper communication with the website server, is in this case used contrary to its intended purpose. Protection against such an attack and other forms of hacking attempts should always be provided primarily by a good antivirus protection program.
12. It should be emphasized that without Cookies, many websites become much less functional.

Informacje dotyczące plików cookies

This site uses first party cookies to give you the best experience on our site. We also use third party cookies to improve our services, analyze and then display advertisements related to your preferences based on the analysis of your browsing behavior.

Zarządzanie plikami cookies

O Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer or mobile device by the websites you visit. They are used for a variety of purposes, such as remembering user login information, tracking user behavior for advertising purposes, and personalizing the user's browsing experience. There are two types of cookies: session and persistent. The former are deleted after the end of the browser session, while the latter remain on the device for a certain period of time or until they are manually deleted.
